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Published on 10/17/2013

CNIRS BOD Letter to the Membership

October 17, 2013

Dear Membership,

Respice, adspice, prospice!  As we pass through the midpoint of CNIRS 2012-2014 term in the autumn of 2013, let us take a moment to examine the past, examine the present and examine the future.

We began our term with many questions about the future of the Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy. With a vision, a sense of urgency and renewed energy from a very dynamic group of individuals that make up the Board of Directors, we set out to examine some fundamentals about what the Council is, what it does and what it can do to best serve the members of CNIRS.

At the last board meeting, held on September 23, 2013, the first fundamental issue that has been successfully addressed by this council is growing the membership. The Council Secretary reported that CNIRS is now 90 members strong! About this same time last year, CNIRS reported in our Delegate that there were SAS 61 members. This growth can be mostly attributed to the commissioning of the CNIRS Linkedin web-site (another project of this board) but meetings such as our own IDRC as well as the EAS, Pittcon and SciX meetings are also where CNIRS has successfully recruited new members.

Crucial to the sustainability of CNIRS is that it maintains a stable treasury. The Council Treasurer reported that CNIRS treasury is at a level that will be sufficient to fund the IDRC and pay for services that it relies on to conduct the council’s business.

Two key changes that will occur over the next two years that will impact the council are the CNIRS Web infrastructure and the sponsorship of the Gerald S. Birth Award.

The board voted unanimously to adopt a new website platform that will allow the council to improve the website functionalities, have membership management tools, voting tools, in addition to replace our merchant account and some features of our current group email platform within an affordable budget for an organization of our size.

The Gerald S. Birth Award Search Committee will be searching for a replacement for Unity to sponsor the Birth Award. The committee will compose a letter to approach potential sponsors. Several ideas were explored and discussed by the board, including the option of having a number of companies, rather than a single company, to sponsor the award. The awards committee also proposed an increase in the amount needed for the award, potentially up to $2-3K more.

The IDRC Chair updated the board on the following:

·       The IDRC budget was prepared.

·       The conference chairs have been named as well as the short course coordinator selected.

·       The topics for each of the sessions have been established.

·       An up-to-date brochure has been prepared and distributed at ICAVS-7 in Kobe, Japan. The brochure was also sent to the CNIRS members. We have received significant positive feedback in regards to this communication.

·       A number of brochures have been forwarded to the Vendors Committee Chair who has started communication with vendors.

·       Next steps are to meet with IDRC conference chairs and determine when to start call for Papers.

CNIRS is a supporting member sponsor of the FACSS/SciX meeting, held this year Sept. 29 - Oct. 4, 2013 in Milwaukee, WI. Current and past CNIRS board members in attendance were Katherine Bakeev, Benoit Igne, Gabor Kemeny and Igor Kovalenko. Presenters promoted CNIRS after their talks, thanked CNIRS for the financial support for the conference, promoted NIR and promoted the Chambersburg Conference. Presenters reported reasonable size audiences, 20-25 people.

The IDRC Committee is actively searching for a Chair-Elect for IDRC 2016 and is searching for someone interested in chairing the 2016 meeting. They hope to have one or more suggested chairs at the next CNIRS BOD meeting.

The Constitution/By-Laws Committee turned in a proposed final revision of the CNIRS Constitution and By-Laws for consideration and approval by the BOD at the next CNIRS board meeting.

As always, the board would like to hear from the membership on any issue.

The next CNIRS board meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 15, 2013 2 PM

On behalf of The Council For Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Board of Directors,

Gary E. Ritchie

President, Council of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy